JF National Survey

December, 2015: Breeze Issue #98

A Free Monthly E-Newsletter for Friends of Japan & Teachers of Japanese

Deadline Extended for JF's National Survey on Japanese Language Education
New Deadline: December 21

One of the Japan Foundation’s biggest projects is a global survey measuring the popularity of the Japanese language around the world. Every three years, we contact one representative at every school which teaches Japanese and we ask that person to fill out a 15 minute online survey about Japanese classes, enrollment, reasons why their students are studying Japanese, and the challenges they face.

It’s a huge undertaking, and the Japan Foundation is the only organization trying to gather data at this level.  It’s also challenging because schools and teachers are already so incredibly busy doing their jobs – teaching! We really appreciate everyone who has taken 15 minutes out of their busy day to fill out our survey (More than 1,000 people so far!).

We survey preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, universities, community colleges, non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, companies that offer fully online Japanese courses, adult education schools, and businesses that offer Japanese classes to their employees. We want to know: Who is learning to speak Japanese? And why? Please tell us!

We have extended the deadline to December 21!

If nobody at your school has received a survey invitation email, please contact us at survey@jflalc.org (include your school’s name!) or call us at 323-761-7510 extension 116.

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