Advocacy Kit

JFLA advocacy Kit

Welcome to the home of the Japan Foundation, Los Angeles Advocacy Kit, Version 3. We designed the new kit to reflect your wish for core materials that are more reader friendly and enjoyable. Our hope is that these materials will be useful to the key stakeholders who are responsible for Japanese language education in the United States. Feedback sent to would be greatly appreciated.


Advocacy Kit & DVD

If you would like to receive the physical Advocacy Kit with Supplemental DVD, please contact us at

This page explains the importance of advocacy in the foreign language teaching profession. Included below are five PowerPoint presentations created by members of the foreign language teaching community here in the United States. For those who wish to read the content, the PowerPoint files and scripts are also provided below.

Keeping It Going

This instructional video will help you maintain your school's Japanese program. It asks: What is advocacy? How do you maintain interest in your program in the long term?

PowerPoint PDF, Script, Sample Surveys



Building a strong Japanese Program

This instructional video explains the basics of how to build and sustain a strong Japanese language program at your school.



PPT Script


Building a hybrid study abroad program

This video describes the process and challenges of building a study abroad program.



PPT Script



AP Japanese Language and Culture

The following instruction video explains the benefits of taking the AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam, its background and content, and the importance of advocating for such a program at your (or your child's) school.


PPT Script



Funding for World Language Programs

The following instructional video explains to school administrators how to get funding for their language programs. Those who prefer to read the information can download the PPT Script below.



PPT Script



Advocacy Brochure for Parents


This Advocacy Flyer shows parents the benefits of a Japanese language education for school age children. For those who are not familiar with Japan or its language and culture, this flyer provides information on the strong ties between Japan and the United States. This flyer is also downloadable as a PDF and you can request a hard copy along with our Advocacy Kit via the order form on the main page.

Advocacy Flyer for Parents


Learning Japanese can have both short and long term benefits. In the short term, your children can look forward to unique activities relating to the unfamiliar Japanese culture, which may be very different from their own. In the long term, they can develop a global world view.


Advocacy Flyer for Administrators


by Dr. John Kidder

This flyer was written by Dr. Kidder from the Pilgrim School to advocate for Japanese language education to other administrators who are considering adding Japanese for their foreign language program. This flyer is available here as a PDF and you can also request a physical Advocacy Kit using the order form on the main Advocacy Website.

why learn a foreign language?

Why Learn Japanese?

  • CIA: The World Factbook: The World Factbook (ISSN 1553-8133; also known as the CIA World Factbook) is an annual publication of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States with   almanac-style information about the countries of the world. The Factbook provides a two- to three-page summary of the demographics, geography, communications, government, economy, and military of 266 U.S.-recognized countries, dependencies, and other areas in the world.
  • Foreign Affairs Budget for the Future: Fixing a Hollow Service: This report details the need for increased funding to address the needs in US diplomacy abroad.
  • Under bills, U.S. would funnel more money into diplomacy: Bills recently passed by the House and Senate Committees would increase State Department and related spending by about 25%.
  • U.S. needs more foreign diplomats: Providing the personnel and financial resources to manage our diplomacy and development policies is an urgent matter of national security.

Advocacy Related Websites

Grant Information

Other Resources


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