In collaboration with
Do you have plans to go to Japan in the near future? If so, we will get you prepared!
You will learn helpful travel tips from a tourism specialist from JNTO(Japan National Tourism Organization), and essential Japanese phrases from our JF Nihongo instructors.
We will demonstrate Japanese social etiquette, too, so you won't be just a "stranger" in Japan. This workshop is suitable for beginners and those who have no experience at all.
Seats are limited, so please register now!
The registration is full and closed.
1. Cancellation
Cancellation Deadline: Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Cancellation must be received by e-mail ( by the cancellation deadline.
2. Cancellations by JFLA
The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles (JFLA), may cancel the workshop if necessary. Applicants will be notified in advance and receive full refunds. The workshop contents are subject to change.
3. Course Availability
The workshop is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration for the workshop will close once it is filled to capacity.
5. Waiting List
Once the workshop becomes full, applicants can be placed on a waiting list. If space becomes available, applicants will be enrolled in the workshop.