SOYBEAN: The Japanese Superfood! “NATTO” and “EDAMAME”

online event

SOYBEAN: The Japanese Superfood!



Friday, May 14, 2021
7 pm (PDT)

Free to Attend, All Ages Welcome!


The soybean is a nutritious plant, rich with protein that has been an essential food in many Asian countries for thousands of years. In Japan, there are many soybean based superfoods that have been used for centuries such as tofu, miso, soy sauce, natto, and edamame.

In this event, we will focus on “NATTO” and “EDAMAME”.


Part 1: “NATTO”

What is natto? Natto is fermented soybeans with a unique texture and distinct aroma, packed with good nutrition and has been a staple in the Japanese diet for centuries. We have invited Mr. Kenji Onuma to talk about the nutritious benefits of natto. Mr. Onuma is a third-generation natto maker from Miyagi prefecture, Japan. His natto has been awarded numerous times for its high quality, flavor, taste and texture.  He will also talk about his innovative approach to introduce this traditional Japanese food to a wider audience. More recently for example, he has blended natto with chocolate and even pasta for greater appeal, especially to those who may have never tried natto.


Part 2: “EDAMAME”

There will be a presentation by TABLE FOR TWO USA about edamame, immature soybeans, and more about amazing soybeans. Then, we will hold the #EdamameChamp JFLA CUP, our 2nd annual chopsticks competition in which you will be able to test your chopstick skills by seeing how many edamame beans (or any beans available at home) you can pick up and move within one minute! The winner of this challenge will be invited to the US championship, which will take place on June 12, 2021.


About the speaker

Kenji Onuma is the President & C.E.O. of Daiei Co., LTD. which was established by his grandfather in 1921. As the third-generation head of the company, he carries on the traditional method of natto making. In 2011, his factory was severely damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake. However, he was able to get his business back to full operation in just 50 days by receiving encouragement and support from his clients in Japan and abroad.  Mr. Onuma’s natto products have been awarded numerous times by Japan Natto Cooperative Society Federation and Food Action Nippon Award. He often speaks at events and appears on TV programs. Additionally, his interviews can be found in newspaper and magazine articles.



About #EdamameChamp by TABLE FOR TWO USA

#EdamameChamp is an annual spring campaign by TABLE FOR TWO USA to promote healthy eating through Japanese cuisine by focusing on soy and raising funds for teaching healthy eating to more children.  Learning all about soy and your participation in this campaign will help children learn to eat healthier. TFT’s partner organizations will make supporting donations; 1 participant = food education for 1 child! For more information about the #EdamameChamp campaign, please visit

This event is co-organized with TABLE FOR TWO USA.

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