Find a Season in the Words: Haiku Workshop for Beginners (Winter/Spring)
Date & TIme:
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
7:00 - 8:30PM (PST)
Haiku is a type of short poetry originated in Japan. Haiku depicts a sense of season in just three-line phrases with 5-7-5 syllables.
In this online, yet hands-on haiku writing workshop for beginners, you will learn the origin and history of haiku poetry. Also you will be taught the basics of English haiku writing technique from a veteran haiku poet, Deborah J. Kolodji.
During this workshop, participants will also have an opportunity to virtually visit Suiho-En, the Donald Tillman Japanese Garden via video screening. You will have a glimpse of the winter/spring season to inspire your haiku writing. Afterward, you will write your own haiku. If you would like to do so, you will be able to share during the workshop and receive feedback from Ms. Kolodji
Please note the workshop will take place via Zoom meeting function. The content of this workshop is focused on beginners and space is limited to 70 participants.
About the lecturer:
Deborah P Kolodji is the California regional coordinator for the Haiku Society of America and a member of the board of directors for Haiku North America. The former president of the Science Fiction Poetry Association, Kolodji is also is a member of the Southern California Haiku Study Group, the Haiku Poets of Northern California , the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society, Haiku Canada, and the California State Poetry Society. Her first full-length book of haiku and senryu, Highway of Sleeping Towns, from Shabda Press, was awarded a Touchstone Distinguished Book Award from The Haiku Foundation.
This program is presented in collaboration with Suiho-En, the Donald Tillman Japanese Garden.