The Japan Foundation has invited an extraordinary group of daidengaku (traditional Japanese folk dance) dancers to Los Angeles to perform at Nisei Week in Little Tokyo this August. For this occasion, we will hold a fun workshop for those interested in learning this energetic and unique Japanese folk dance from the performers themselves. No prior dance experience is necessary to participate. Some of the participants will even have the chance to wear authentic costumes and join the performers at Nisei Week, August 23rd.
What is daidengaku?
Originally, the term dengaku referred to the rice-planting festivities observed throughout Japan in which rural residents performed traditional dances. From the 11th to the 16th centuries, these dances were introduced in Kyoto and other cities, where they were well received and enjoyed great popularity. Nevertheless, over time, these dances virtually disappeared until Mannojo Nomura (1959-2004) resurrected them when he created a more widely appealing and more contemporary form of these dances. Since then, daidengaku has appeared in many historical television dramas and has been performed at prestigious events all over the world, including the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC in 2012.
Check out the video: