Fiscal Year 2025-26
Japanese Teaching material purchase Grant
The 2024-25 application period is now OPEN!
Application Deadlines: March 15, 2025 and September 15, 2025
As in previous years, JFLA will continue to accept applications from non-profit educational institutions/organizations in the U.S. which teach Japanese as a world language, as well as Japanese heritage language schools (継承日本語学校).
Saturday Schools (日本語補習授業校) are also eligible only if they have a Japanese as a Heritage Language (JHL) program that is conducted separately from their regular curriculum set by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/MEXT (文部科学省). We will accept applications from their JHL program, not from the MEXT-set curriculum program (which receives financial support from MEXT).
Program Description
This program is intended to assist educational institutions in the U.S. to purchase teaching materials (textbooks, audio-visual materials, cultural decor, dictionaries, digital learning software, teachers’ reference books, etc.) for their Japanese-language courses by providing financial support not exceeding $1,000.
Conditions of the Grant
- First, the applying institution (hereafter “applicant”) should submit an application form, which includes a wish list. In the wish list, the applicant should indicate the titles, unit prices, quantities, and estimated total cost to acquire the materials (including tax and shipping/handling charges).
- The applicant should NOT make any non-refundable purchase arrangements before receiving an official notice of grant approvalfrom the Japan Foundation, Los Angeles (hereafter “JFLA”).
Please do not purchase anything at the time of application!
- The eligible items for support are Japanese-language teaching materials (textbooks, audio-visual materials, dictionaries, digital learning software, teachers’ reference books, etc.) as well as cultural items (origami supplies, calligraphy sets, etc.). The grant will NOT COVERelectronics/hardware (laptops, projectors, tablets, camcorders, digital cameras, etc.) or consumable stationery supplies (papers, pens, markers, etc.).
- Applicants who are awarded the grant (hereafter "grantee") will be contacted by JFLA via email and will receive the related grant documents (“Notice of Grant Approval,” “Acceptance of Grant” form, etc.) The grantee may start purchasing the approved materials after mailing an “Acceptance of Grant” form to JFLA.
- The applicant must keep all proof of payment (not only receipts/invoices for the teaching materials but also for shipping/handling charges). JFLA will only reimburse for items with relevant proof of payment.
- The grant payment (reimbursement check) will not be provided until the grantee submits the required documents including proof of payment (receipts/invoices which show that payment has been made), a signed Request for Payment form, and the Final Report. Applicants who fail to submit all three of these required documents will not be paid.
- JFLA will finalize the grant amount based on the proof of payment.The reimbursement check will be made payable to the name of the applying institution. JFLA cannot make checks payable to individual teachers.
- The teaching materials purchased with the support from JFLA should become the property of the applying institutions, and should NOT be privately owned by instructors or students.
Application Procedures
Step 1. Please inform JFLA (email: of your intention to apply for the program.
Step 2. Download the application materials.
Step 3. Please submit your signed and completed Application Form by mail or email. Your application form (either original or digital copy) must be submitted to JFLA on or before the deadline.
Application Deadlines
(1) March 15, 2025 (2) September 15, 2025
(Should the deadline fall on a weekend, it will be extended to the following Monday.)
Procedure FlowChart