Salary Assistance Grant

Salary Assistance Grantfor Japanese-Language Courses
The 2025-26 application period is now OPEN!

Application Deadline:  April 10, 2025
Grant Result: Late May~Early June, 2025
(Photo: ICA Georgia)                                                         (Photo: Red Oak Community School)

As in previous years, JFLA will continue to accept applications from non-profit educational institutions/organizations in the U.S. which teach Japanese as a world language, as well as Japanese heritage language schools (
Saturday Schools (
日本語補習授業校) are also eligible only if they have a Japanese as a Heritage Language (JHL) program that is conducted separately from their regular curriculum set by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/MEXT (文部科学省). We will accept applications from their JHL program, not from the MEXT-set curriculum program (which receives financial support from MEXT).


The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles (hereafter “JFLA”) supports non-profit educational institutions or school districts in the U.S. that are facing temporary financial difficulties in the following three cases. The grant covers a part of the Japanese language instructor’s salary and fringe benefits up to $30,000 per year on a cost-sharing basis.


 Case (1): Starting up a brand new Japanese program

 Case (2): Expanding a current existing Japanese program by adding new course(s)/section(s)

 Case (3): Maintaining a current existing program which is in danger of cut back or closure

The grant support is given on the condition that the applying institutions (hereafter “Applicants”) will continue to offer the Japanese language program after the grant support ends. It is requiredthat applicants submit at least one commitment letter or strong support letter from the stakeholders (e.g., Dean, Dept. Chair, District Superintendent, Head of the Board of Education, Principal, or local business supporters, etc.) at the time of their application regarding the continuation of Japanese language program on a long-term basis after the JFLA grant support ends and beyond.

Case (1): STARTING UP a brand new Japanese program:
Applicants can request funding for up to TWO years at the time of application; however, due to our single-year budget system, JFLA can only decide the grant award year by year, and the continuation of the grant support for Year 2 (Academic Year 2025-26) is not automatic. The applicant who successfully received the Year 1 grant will need to submit a “Budget Proposal (Year 2)” in mid-March along with their “Interim Report (Year 1)." Then, JFLA will decide on the Year 2 grant after carefully reviewing these documents.

Case (2): EXPANDING, or Case (3): MAINTAINING a current existing Japanese program:
Applicants can request funding for ONE year(*). The grant is given on the premise that the Japanese-language program and the instructor(s)’ position(s) at the institution will be maintained after the completion of the one-year grant support.

(*) Applicants may apply again for the second following year (Academic Year 2026-27) after receiving one year grant support; however, they will be given lower priority than those who have never received the JFLA grant support in the past.

Conditions of Grant

1. The grant support is given on the condition that the applicant will continue to offer the Japanese program after the grant support is over and beyond.  Each applicant must submit a detailed plan on how they will maintain the Japanese program beyond the grant period.

2. The grant only covers the Japanese language instructor(s)’ salary and fringe benefits.  Any other overhead costs (for example, costs related to housing, commuting, administrative labor, etc.) are NOT covered by this grant.

3. The grant can be used for either full-time or part-time instructors, NOT for teaching assistants (TA).  If the applicant has already decided on the instructor(s) by the time of application, the instructor(s)’ information(bio, resume, or curriculum vitae) and a copy of employment agreement should be attached to the application form.

4. Applicants can request up to $30,000 per year. (The salary schedule should be attached to the application form.)
The grant amount will be determined in accordance with JFLA’s assessment scale, and it may be less than the amount requested.


5. The grant can be used for several instructors at the same school/institution, but the grant amount will NOT exceed more than $30,000 per institution/school.

In the event that a school district applies for this grant on behalf of several schools in the same district,

The school district may request more than $30,000 for multiple schools at once. For example, one school district may request up to $60,000 in total for two schools (up to $30,000 per school).

However this “up to $30,000 per school” applies only when the school district has more than one teacher at multiple schools in the same district. In other words, in the event that there is only one teacher in a district and he/she teaches at multiple schoolsin the same district, then they can only request up to $30,000.


6. The grant is provided on a cost-sharing basis between the applicant and JFLA, meaning that the applicant is expected to have detailed plans on how they will supplement the JF grant with their own or other funds if they are approved for the grant. The preferable cost sharing from own funds is at least 1/3 (33%) of the total annual salary expenses.

7. The grant support is for one year. Due to the single-year budget system, JFLA can only decide on a grant award for one year at a time. However only in Case (1) Starting up a brand new program, applicants can request two-year grant support at once, but the grant amount is decided year by year. The continuation of grant support for Year 2 is not automatic and will be decided after JFLA review the previous year (Year 1)’s Interim Report as well as Final Report. 

8. In principle, the grant is for the Academic Year 2024-25. Applicants need to start using the grant no later than March, 2025 if they receive the grant. In other words, the “Start Date” of the grant period has to be before late March, 2025.


Application Materials

Application Procedures

Before applying, please be sure to inform JFLA of your intention to apply for the grant. (Email: If you do not contact us in advance, your application may be rejected.

Application Deadline: April 10, 2025

Please submit the following materials to JFLA via email attachment ( on or before April 10, 2025.

(1) Application Form with a signature from an authorized representative
(2) At least one signed Commitment Letter (or Strong Support Letter) regarding the continuation of the Japanese language program on a long-term basis beyond the grant period.
(3) Salary Schedule at the applying institution (Please indicate which salary range the instructor(s) who needs the JF grant support will fall under.
Instructor’s Information (Resume, Bio, or CV) only if you have already decided on the instructor(s)
(5) Copy of Proof of Employment of the instructor(s) if already available (Example: Employment Areement/Contract)

Note: If you have not yet decided on the instructor(s), please submit (4) and (5) above later at your earliest convenience.


Post Application Procedures


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