U.S. and European Museum Infrastructure Support Program

U.S. and European Museum Infrastructure Support Program

This program is designed to provide financial support for U.S. and European museums to further promote constant and effective use of their Japanese art collections and thereby assist the establishment of an infrastructure to exhibit Japanese art.

Any museum in the U.S. or Europe is eligible to apply for this program as long as it satisfies both of the following two requirements:
(1) It has Japanese art collections and has a permanent space specifically for Japanese art collections; and

(2) It has already employed a Japanese art curator or plans to employ one.
*In the case of a joint project by multiple museums, the following two requirements must be met:
    (i) One of the museums that satisfies the application requirements is capable of submitting an application as a representative of all of the museums, receiving a grant from the Japan Foundation, and appropriately using the grant; and
    (ii) All of the museums are located within the same country or region (in the case of a joint project in the U.S., all museums must be located in the U.S. In the case of a joint project in Europe, all museums must be located in Europe).

Eligible Projects
Projects as listed below which begin between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023. Applying institution can select and apply for multiple projects from the list. However, in principle, the maximum amount of a grant is US$ 100,000 per institution/fiscal year. If multiple projects are approved at the same time, the maximum amount of grants to be paid within one year to the grantee is also US$ 100,000 in total regardless of the number of the approved projects. We plan to provide continuous support for the maximum of five years in principle.

Projects Details

I. Increasing Specialized Staff Members

Support for creating new positions or increasing the number of positions for staff specialized in Japanese art (curators, assistant curators and researchers) in charge of the preservation, storage, management, research and exhibition, etc. of Japanese art collections.

II. Research, Survey, and Publication of List of Japanese Art Collections

For the purpose of promoting research and survey on Japanese art collections, i.e. Invitation of instructors from Japan, Study or training tours to Japan for Japanese art specialists of applicant institutions, Holding of research conference on Japanese art, and Publication of list of Japanese art collections.

III. Exhibitions of Japanese Art Collections

Support for displaying Japanese art collections owned by applicant institutions and for holding other exhibitions that take advantage of the collections.


Grant Coverage
Part of the following expenses incurred and paid within the first year of the project period commencing between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023 will be covered by the first year's grant.

I. Increasing Specialized Staff Members

・Salaries and social welfare expenses necessary for the applying institution to create new positions or increase the number of positions for staff specialized in Japanese art

II. Research, Survey, and Publication of List of Japanese Art Collections

・Travel expenses (international airfares, other transportation expenses, accommodation fees, etc.)
・Implementation costs (lease fee for venue and equipment, production of catalogues and publicity materials, etc.)
・Honorariums (for interpreters, translators, and lecturers.)
・Other expenses (for purchasing necessary materials, etc.)

III. Exhibitions of Japanese Art Collections

・Implementation costs (expenses for setting up exhibits, production of catalogues and publicity materials, etc.)
・Travel expenses for inviting specialists (airfares, other transportation expenses, accommodation fees, etc.)
・Honorariums (for interpreters, translators and lecturers.)


Number of Grants
4 projects continued from FY 2016

Selection Policy
(1) See p. 3 of PROGRAM GUIDELINES for the selection policy common to all programs.

(2) Screening will be conducted after consulting with outside specialists.

(3) The following projects will be given a relatively higher evaluation:
・Projects in which posts that will be newly created or be increased by the support program are planned to be continuously maintained by the efforts of the applicant institution even after the grants from the Japan Foundation terminate will be examined for adoption with priority.
・Projects expected to promote Japanese art collections in the area by using effectively the support from the Japan Foundation.

(4) This program does not cover any project whose main purpose does not help the applying institution establish an infrastructure for Japanese art collection and exhibition.
・A project related to any artistic field other than Japanese art.
・A project that involves Japan mainly for the purpose of sightseeing.

Application Deadline
December 1, 2021 CLOSED

Notification of Results
April 2022 

Application Instruction / Application Form
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