This grant aims to support projects that will enhance further understanding of Japanese arts and culture. Successful candidates may be granted up to $5,000. The Japan Foundation Los Angeles handles Arts and Culture grants for the 13 states west of the Rocky Mountains. These include Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
The Japan Foundation New York handles applications for the remaining states that are east of the Rocky Mountains along with Japanese Studies Grants. Please visit New York office website for additional information.
Eligibility Requirements
1. The applicant must be designated by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
2. Applications can be accepted only for projects that take place within the 13 states west of the Rocky
Mountains. For projects to be held in the other 37 states, please contact the JFNY.
3. The purpose of the applicant’s project must be to nurture further understanding of Japanese arts and
culture, or to produce U. S.-Japan collaborative projects through performing arts, exhibitions, film
screenings, lectures, and / or symposia.
4. For organizations that have continually received support from the same program for the past three
fiscal years, our policy is not to provide grants for a fourth consecutive fiscal year, unless the Japan
Foundation believes there is a compelling reason for them to continue receiving such support.
1. Applicants who have already received funding from other Japan Foundation grants for the same
project cannot apply.
2. Organizations that have already received a JFLA grant in the last fiscal year have a lower priority than
organizations who have not received a grant from us this year.
3. Language education programs are ineligible.
4. Medical, Technical, and Scientific projects are excluded.
5. Political activities, religious activities, social welfare activities, fundraising and charity activities, and
commercial activities are not eligible.
6. Projects whose effect is restricted to exchanges between specific groups/individuals are not eligible.
Grant Coverage
1. Publicity fees
2. Printing costs of programs, flyers, and brochures
3. Honoraria for artists and lecturers
4. Travel Expenses for artists and lecturers, including per diem and accommodation expenses
5. Shipping cost of films, exhibits and other materials related to the proposed event
6. Facility fee
The grant will be paid in the form of reimbursement for the preceding expenses. The award money will be remitted upon receipt of the final report and proofs of payment.
Review Criteria
1. Strength of educational and community activities
2. Capacity to provide future continuity
3. Organizational ability to carry through with the project
4. Balanced budget estimate
In addition to the above-mentioned criteria, projects related to the arts will be judged according to the following:
1. Artistic quality of project (as demonstrated by the work samples submitted and the artists’ record of
professional achievement)
2. Expected impact on the audience and the U.S. arts scene
The Application
Applicants must send the following materials (any other relevant items may be attached):
1. Completed application form
Download Mini Grant Application Form (Word)
2. Proof of non-profit status, such as letter of notification by IRS (501(c)(3))
3. Biographies of principal applicants
4. The most recent annual report of applicant
5. Information regarding the participants, including biographies
6. Audiovisual materials (DVDs, CDs etc.) of artist’s work (if applicable)
Applications must be received by the JFLA at least 3 months prior to the beginning date of the project. The JFLA will contact applicants regarding the result approximately 2 months prior to the project starting date.
For complete details regarding the grant, please read Mini Grant Guideline.
For questions regarding the JFLA Arts & Culture Grants, please contact: