2024 Survey of Japanese Language Education Abroad



The survey is on-going! (DEADLINE EXTENDED INTO 2025)
2024 Survey on Japanese-Language Education
Thank you for your cooperation!





The Japan Foundation (JF) conducts a " Survey on Japanese-Language Education" every three years to check the current state of Japanese language education in countries and regions around the world.
This is an important survey to accurately understand the current state of Japanese language education in countries and regions around the world.

The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles (JFLA) is in charge of the survey of Japanese language education institutions in the United States. To accurately understand the current state of Japanese language education in the United States, we need responses from more institutions. We appreciate your cooperation.

The 2024 survey will begin in September. Based on the previous data, JF will send you a unique link for each institution. We would appreciate it if you could enter the survey site using the link and password and respond. It takes about 15 minutes. After responding, you will be able to download JF's original Japanese supplementary teaching materials as a thank you for your cooperation. Click here for details.

If you have been providing Japanese language education in the United States, but you still have not received a request email from JF, please fill out this Google Form. The same goes if your program was newly established in the United States in the past three years, or if the person responsible for the program has recently changed. If you fill out the form, we will be able to send you a unique link to the survey created for each institution.

Alternatively, please contact JFLA directly.

The survey results are summarized in a ''report'' as the latest information on the current state of Japanese language education and can also be viewed on the ”Japanese language education institution search site".

Click here for the previous "report": Japan Foundation - 2021 Survey on Japanese-Language Education
Click here for the "Japanese language education institution search site" based on the previous survey: Survey 2021: Search engine for institutions offering Japanese language education.





これまでにアメリカで日本語教育を実施しているにも関わらず、いまだにJFからの依頼メールが届かない場合、この3年間の間にアメリカで新しくできた機関という場合、または主任が新しく変わったという場合などは、こちらのGoogle Formのフォームにご記入ください。機関ごとに作られた調査フォームのリンクをお送りします。


前回の「報告書」はこちら:国際交流基金 - 2021年度 海外日本語教育機関調査
前回の調査をもとにした「日本語教育機関検索サイト」はこちら:検索条件設定 | 2021年度海外日本語教育機関調査




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