Advocacy Goods

Advocacy Goods for Teachers

Attention Japanese language teachers! Would you like goods that can be utilized within your Japanese class and/or events? The Japan Foundation (JFLA) offers goods related to Japanese language and culture free of charge, as well as free shipping. The goods range from posters to badges, as well as our own original bandannas and uchiwa (hand fans)! We hope that our goods can be used as prizes to encourage students within the classroom. We would love to see photos of the posters used in the classrooms as well as students using our items so please send us images at! We look forward to displaying them on our website.


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Here are various ways our goods have been used in the classroom! 

Raffle Prizes for Presidio Middle School in California! 6th Grade student wearing our JFLA badge!

Our Hiragana charts being used in Japanese class at Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth (Texas)!

Student from Texas A&M University holding up our original JFLA bandanna (Texas)!

Rice University students holding our JFLA passport holders (Texas)!

Our JFLA goods used for debate event (MAATJ)!

Eugene School District Summer School Japanese Culture 101 Class holding up our JFLA bandanna and student using Mask-Up 2020 face masks and holding up our JFLA uchiwa (hand fan)!

Natasha from Minnesota with our JFLA badges, Marugoto Goi book, travel booklet, and bandanna!

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the japan foundation, los angeles

5700 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 100
Los Angeles, CA 90036-


© 2025 The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles